Download 10 Best Intranets Of 2011 Pdf

Cisco continues to keep users engaged through various channels including one that encourages each employee's journalistic ambitions. Encore Video Capture Driver Windows 7 there. Located directly under the 'News Headlines' at the top of Cisco's global intranet home page, Cisco Employee Connection, is a button labeled 'SUBMIT'. This button encourages all of Cisco's employees, approximately 40,000, to submit their own news stories to the home page.

10 Best Intranets

While all potential stories must adhere to certain guidelines (available adjacent to the SUBMIT button) the SUBMIT button encourages all employees to become Cisco journalists and to drive knowledge sharing and collaboration through the home page. A core international intranet team is responsible for global intranet strategy and standards, international internal communications (content relevant to all users), overall management of the centralized portal, core application development, and intranet training and tools. Most of the 55 user countries have their own intranet site with their own management that that may include an executive champion, a team leader, a strategist, department level publishers and content writers that all must adhere to global standards, use standardized templates and production procedures while relying on centralized support and training from the international team. While each of the five winning characteristics listed in this piece is not necessarily any more important than the other, measuring your intranet's performance is perhaps the most important element for justifying your intranet's existence and budget. One of the great advantages of an intranet is the availability of multiple measurement channels - both online and offline - for appraising performance.

2017 Intranet Design Annual Pdf Download. The World’s 10 Best Intranets for and Spotlights. Page Intranet Design Annual 2011 from Nielsen Norman Group. Introduction SharePoint has evolved over the last 10 years to be something of a jack-of-all-trades solution covering intranets, portals, collaboration, forms.